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Destinasi wisata Alternatif Gereja Ayam Magelang Tengah Mendunia

Traveling sekarang ini sudah menjadi trend bagi semua kalangan bahkan sudah menjadi gaya hidup bagi seseorang. Berawal dari hobi jalan-jalan alih-alih untuk refreshing, nampaknya traveling kini menjadi sebuah ciri atau identitas yang melekat pada diri seseorang. Hal tersebut bisa kita lihat dari teman-teman kita yang ada di sosial media. Beberapa diantara mereka sering memperbaharui status mereka melalui gadget ketika mereka bepergian.  Entah dengan memperbaharui tulisan, lokasi atau foto ketika mereka berada di suatu tempat sudah menjadi hal yang umum sekarang ini.  Di antara mereka sering mengabadikan tempat-tempat tertentu dengan cara berfoto selfi.

Gereja Ayam di Dusun Gombong, Desa Kembanglimus, Kecamatan Borobudur Magelang

Gereja Ayam di Dusun Gombong, Desa Kembanglimus, Kecamatan Borobudur Magelang

Sebenarnya traveling tidak harus mengeluarkan biaya mahal, tergantung pintar-pintarnya kita sendiri memilih destinasi wisata yang murah dan menarik seperti wisata kuliner, budaya, alam dsb. Salah satu destinasi wisata yang perlu untuk dikunjungi yaitu wilayah Magelang. Magelang merupakan wilayah yang pantas untuk dikunjungi lantaran tak hanya memiliki tempat wisata yang mendunia seperti Candi Borobudur tetapi masih banyak lagi tempat-tempat yang bisa dijadikan sebagai destinasi wisata diantaranya wisata alam pegunungan, ar terjun, candi, tempat pemandian, museum, kuliner, budaya dsb. Magelang kaya akan pesona alam serta warisan budaya yang dimilikinya lantas menjadikan wilayah ini  sebagai salah satu andalan wisata Indonesia.

Salah satu destinasi wisata alternatif yang tengah mendunia bisa kita jumpai di wilyah Magelang yaitu gereja unik yang dikenal dengan sebutan Gereja Ayam. Lokasinya tidak terlalu jauh dari Candi Borobudur sekitar 3 km tepatnya berada di Dusun Gombong, Desa Kembanglimus, Kecamatan Borobudur Magelang.  Hanya saja tempat ini tersembunyi di atas bukit jauh dari rentetan rumah warga sehingga membuat kesulitan bagi para pengunjung yang pertama kali berkunjung kesana karena masih minim petunjuk arah menuju lokasi bangunan tersebut. Bangunan ini dikenal dengan sebutan gereja ayam karena bangunan tersebut mirip dengan ayam yang sedang duduk diatas tanah dengan memakai mahkota di kepalanya. Entah kenapa bisa disebut dengan ayam padahal berdasarkan bentuknya tampak berbeda jauh dengan ayam melainkan seperti burung merpati. Sebenarnya hal tersebut sudah dijelaskan oleh sang pendirinya yaitu Daniel Alamsjah bahwa bangunan tersebut bukan mirip ayam tetapi berbentuk burung merpati (tribunnews). Namun hingga kini, nama Gereja Ayam melekat pada bangunan tersebut.

Beberapa tahun lalu, bangunan ini tampak seperti bangunan yang sudah ditinggalkan oleh penghuninya. Bangunan tersebut tidak  terawat sama sekali dan terkesan dibiarkan saja. Ketidakterawatan bangunan tersebut tampak dari bangunannya itu sendiri mulai dari dinding-dinding yang kusam dan tidak ada aktifitas sama sekali di tempat itu. Namun, sekarang ini bangunan tersebut mulai diperhatikan oleh pengelola karena meningkatnya jumlah wisatawan asing maupun lokal yang marak berkunjung ke bangunan tersebut. Kini disana juga sudah ada pengelola yang melakukan penarikan retribusi bagi wisatawan yang masuk ke dalam gereja. Pintu masuk bangunan  berada di sisi sebelah kiri dimana para para pengelola berada di pintu tersebut. Tarif wisatawan lokal dan asing berbeda yaitu Rp 5.000 bagi wisata lokal dan Rp 10.000 bagi wisatawan asing. Bagi para pengunjung yang berada diluar bangunan tersebut tidak dipungut biaya masuk naun sayang sekali tidak bisa menikmati sensasi keindahan panorama di puncak bangunan tersebut. Selain itu, terdapat fasilitas berupa jajanan makanan ringan dan minuman di dalam bangunan.  Penarikan retribusi tersebut berbanding lurus dengan adanya perbaikan terhadap bangunan dan fasilitas umum. Hal tersebut bisa dilihat dengan adanya sejumlah alat-alat bangunan dan berbagai kesibukan para pekerja di area bangunan tersebut.  20150922_152200

Banyak orang cenderung untuk bepergian ke luar kota yang mana belum tentu kota tujuan tersebut lebih menarik dari pada kota tempat tinggal sendiri. Semoga saja perhatian baik dari warga sekitar, swasta ataupun pemerintah terhadap bangunan tersebut janganlah setengah hati sehingga bangunan Gereja Ayam tersebut  benar-benar layak dijadikan sebagai destinasi wisata mancanegara.

Ringkasan Drama “Aduh” karya Putu wijaya

Aduh merupakan salah satu drama karya Putu wijaya yang mengisahkan tentang rasa kemanusiaan yang sedang dihadapkan oleh sekelompok orang yang sedang sibuk bekerja dengan seseorang sakit untuk minta pertolonganan. Orang tersebut merintih-rintih dan mengaduh aduh yang terucapkan. Para sekelompok orang tersebut saling beradu antara menolong atau tidak. Mereka khawatir jika nantinya ditolong orang tersebut akan membuat olah dan merasa tertipu seperti pengalaman yang sebelumnya. Apabila tidak ditolong mereka merasa kasihan dan mereka saling beradu hingga orang sakit tersebut akhirnya meninggal. Lalu sekelompok orang tersebut menyesal karena ragu untuk menolong hingga akhirnya orang tersebut tewas.

BenQ Corporation
Sekelompok orang tersebut akhirnya menghilangkan jejak mayat tersebut karena khawatir jika orang lain atau polisi melihatnya dikira orang-orang tersebut yang telah menganiaya. Mereka membawanya untuk dibuang demi menghilangkan jejak. Sore mulai gelap tetapi mayat tersebut susah untuk diangkat sampai sekelompok orang kelelahan dan melakukan cara untuk bias mengangkatnya. Mereka saling beradu dan takut akan ketahuan orang dan anjing karena bau yang menyengat dari mayat tersebut. Hingga akhirnya sebagian dari mereka menyerah dan pulang karena tiak sanggup untuk mengangkat mayat tersebut untuk dibuang di sebuah sumur tua.
Pagi pun sudah hamper tiba hingga akhirnya mayat tersebut diangkat oleh kedua orang dan dibuang kedalam sumur. Kesekon harinya mereka bertemu ditempat kerja tetapi. Mereka takut akan suara sirine yang terdengar dari teling mereka. Mereka saling rebut karena aroma bau yang menyelimuti mereka. Mereka mengatasi bau dengan balsam tetapi tak lama kemudian bau masih melekat ditubuh mereka dan tak segera hilang.
Tiba-tiba mereka mendengar suara rintihan orang mengaduh. Mereka serentak takut dan menengok orang yang mengaduh dengan sembunyi-sembunyi. Orang tersebut sebenarnya merupakan salah satu dari rekan kerja mereka yang selamat dari terperosok setelah membuang mayat. Orang tersebutsalah satu dari sekelompok kerja seperti layaknya orang yang sakit dan minta tolong pada waktu kamaren. Orang ini mirip dan menyerupai orang tersebut hingga orang tidak mengenalinya. Orang ini mengauh dan merintih kepada mereka. Akhirnya permasalahannya tampak seperti awal .

Suwuk Beach

Suwuk beach is located precisely in east area of Karangbolong Beach. It has good track to be reached. It is a new tourist attraction. However, there are facilities to support tourism activities such as toilet, musholla, food stall, and viewing post. It can be accessed by use of public or private transportation from Kebumen to Pejagoan route, Klirong, Petanahan or Gombong (Puring Street and Karangbolong Street).

Suwuk Beach offers beauty of the beach with many spreading coconut tress to east area. It has mini zoo with some collection of animals. Tourist can also do activity fishing along Suwuk river estuary or beside of the beach which has many corals and fishes. It has similar beach characteristic with Karangbolong. They have powerful flow that visitors are forbidden to swim.

• Status : Permanent tourism object /fixed sight
• Location : Tambakmulyo village, Ayah district
• Distance from town :36 km
• Wide :20,00 ha
• Start developed :-
• Staff :18 person
• Ticket price : adult : Rp.3.500,00
Children : Rp.2.500, 00
(Included assurance Rp.5.00, 00)

BenQ Corporation

The Effects of Internet

Internet is important today. Most people in the world use it because it has become one of the necessities. People want to get much information do communication by internet. However, internet is used to entertain people like chatting, watching videos, plying music, downloading etc. On the other hand, internet gives effects in our life. It has three point of effect like the waste of money, creating individual people, and increasing pornography. This paper tries to elaborate those effects of internet with proof.

The first most common effect of the internet is waste of money because internet is addictive. Peointernetple often use the internet and it makes habit and necessity to them. People have many ways to get internet like going to internet coffee, using laptop or personal computer (PC), tablet (PC), mobile phone etc. the internet coffee is the most popular than other because all of people can use interne to access by coffee. Most student, teacher, and employer use laptop or personal Computer (PC). Laptop or PC must be connected by modem, WIFI or LAN. Tablet is used by business and high class people because it is expensive and luxury goods and mobile phone is easy to be used by people. Hand phone has type to get internet because hand phone should be connected by network or WIFI. Therefore, we can calculate all of cost internet, for example the cost of internet-by-internet coffee. The internet connection costs three thousand rupiahs in an hour. If a person spends for a day or 3 hours in an internet coffee, he spends nine thousand rupiah a day only to pay his internet access. We can calculate his internet access in a month. It is two hundred seven thousand rupiah in a month. Therefore, internet can be extravagant in our life because we must spend much money.

The second effect of internet is creating people to be individual people. The internet is addictive so it makes people to get internet as usual. People often choose in front of computer alone than they hung out. They feel happier to get internet access than play with friends. In fact, today, many people often prefer doing interneti access to gathering friends when they have spare time. Therefore, internet can make people become individual person.

The third effect of internet is increasing pornography. Internet is one of media to get pornography because we can search it easily. The pornography is easy to upload and download such as the videos of Ariel Peterpan with Cut Tari and Luna Maya, the pornography of Bunga Citra Lestari, the pornography of Sarah Ashari and Alma Ashari etc. Most people are sensitive to abuse them for individual substance.

Internet is important because it has good influence to get some information, entertainment, and communication. On the other hand, internet also gives bad influence in society like the waste of money, creating individual people, and increasing pornography. Therefore, internet has benefit and damage.

The Secret of Him

The story began in last December, on a dark evening that full of rain, the day was rainy and stormy. I was at home alone. My parents went out of city. That day was the day of my miserable life that there was no love, no hopes, and no spirit. There was no one who accompanied my life. I did know whether someone would like me and love me unconditionally. I was really broken-hearted.
Have you ever experienced that someone comes and fills your heart completely and then leaves you broken-hearted? That condition was what I was feeling that day. My girlfriend had to move to Jakarta, following her parents. She left me two days ago but she has not called me. I was feeling loveless.
All of sudden, my phone was ringing. I was so happy, hoping that my girlfriend called. But no, it was not my girlfriend’s phone number displayed. I still answered the phone since I was thinking that she called me by using other numbers.
“Hello, honey.”
“Hello.. Hello… Is someone there?”
No words. No sound. I hung up the phone. Few minutes later, my phone rang again.
“Is someone really there? I am not in a mood of joking right now!”index
No words, no sound. I hung up the phone.
The phone rang again for the third time. I did not want to pick it up but the ring continued, so I picked it without saying hello.
“Arrrrrrggghhhhh!!! Help me! Help me!”
I was surprised. There was a voice of a girl asking for help.
“Hello! Hello! Who is there? Who is speaking? Why are you screaming? Somebody answered me please!” I was panicking.
My body was shivering, recalling a murder that happened to one of my friends. I was taking a bus to school with my friend the other day. When the bus stopped suddenly, I felt that something bad had happened and it was right. Three men with masks and daggers got into the bus, asking for money forcefully. Many passengers were screaming, frightened, and out of control. I was only looking at them from the corner of the backseat.
“SILENCE! Put all your money to these bags or I will kill you all!”
All passengers were suddenly silent and when one of the robbers approach me, he threatened me and my friends to give all money that we have. My friends refused to give him money and he stabbed my friends next to me. The blood started coming out from him.
“Oh my God! Noooo!!!” I screamed and shouted. The robber seemed to ignore my scream.
“Put all your money in or you will end up like him!” he said to me. I was looking at him and suddenly got some nerve to remove the mask. I was shocked.
“You? I know you!” He put the dagger near my neck and said
“Don’t try to tell this to police or I will find you everywhere and I will make your life end like your friend!”
That was a story that I could not forget. I was still afraid and traumatized by that accident.

My phone rang again but I did not have such bravery to pick it up. I did not want to hear anymore screaming sound. The wind blew so hard that night and the rain was heavy. I was home alone and felt miserable and I got three calls with screaming sound. I could not take it anymore. My memories were still wandering, remembering the murder that took my friend’s life and the worst part was I knew the murder!
The news of the murder was stated in every newspaper, and I was confused what to do. The murder was my good friend and what I knew was he was doing that for surviving. He was a poor man, trying to get a better life in a wrong way. This memory made me stay awake for few days.

Few months later, I saw his face on some newspaper and on TV. The police found him and arrested him. When he was on a frame, I could see deep sadness through his eyes. I knew he did not mean to be a murder and a robber, but he had got to take lessons for life.
Be a better person, my friend. Because I know that you are a good person and I believe you will be a successful person without robbing and murdering. Be good… Be good..

Salah satu tindakan paling unik tak terlupakan

Menurut saya salah satu tindakan paling unik tak terlupakan yang pernah saya dan teman-teman lakukan yaitu ketika kegiatan menjelang Ujian Akhir Nasional di SMK dulu. Menjelang UAN, semua mata pelajaran dipadatkan dan hanya ada mata pelajaran yang diujikan dalam UAN saja. Saya berinisiasi mengajak beberapIMG_20150512_0001a teman untuk belajar kelompok sepulang sekolah di rumah kami secara bergiliran. Tak lama kemudian, banyak teman satu kelas hingga luar kelas  tertarik untuk bergabung bersama kami. Disinilah saya sebagai koordinator dalam menentukan mata pelajaran, soal ataupun materi yang akan dibahas. Suatu ketika, ada seorang guru matematika sebut saja Pak Budi secara langsung datang dan berdiskusi bersama  kami di salah satu rumah teman saya. Beliau belain datang jauh-jauh untuk melihat kami belajar mata pelajaran matematika yang belau ampu. Beberapa bulan kedepan menjelang pra-UN, saya datang sendiri ke rumah istri dari kepala sekolah sebut saja Bu Sri selaku guru bahasa Inggris. Kemudian saya mengajak teman-teman lain untuk bergabung. Malam menjelang pra-UN, atas izin dan permintaan beliau, kami bermalam di rumahnya karena  kami semua laki-laki. Keesokan harinya merupakan mata pelajaran bahasa Inggrisyang diujikan.  Kami pun belajar sampai pukul 00.00 dan bangun pagi-pagi pukul 05.00 wib. Pagi hari kami pun berangkat bersama menuju sekolah. Dalam mengerjakan soal, saya merasa ada beberapa soal yang sulit. Seminggu kemudian nilai pra-UN pun keluar. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa dari sekitar 150 siswa yang dinyatakan lulus pra-UN hanya 10 siswa termasuk tiga diantara kami. Dari sinilah, kami gunakan waktu diluar sekolah untuk belajar.  Kegiatan Ini merupakan  pengalaman yang unik bagi saya karena jarang dilakukan  siswa-siswa lain dan mampu memberikan banyak manfaat yang positif.

A Glance of Yahya Choy ’s Biography

Dream will come true if we try to realize it. in vocational high school, studying in some universities, having a lot of friends, having a laptop, having good parents were theImage dreams. It is one of the principles of life/life principles from a Javanese person who lives in a small village. His full name is Nur yahya, but most people call him “yahya.” He is twenty-two years old and was born in Magelang. Today, he goes to University of Respati Yogyakarta/Respati Yogyakarta University before that he had entered Diploma for one year in Magistra Utama Yogyakarta in 2010, and one semester in STEI SBI Yogyakarta. He has been studying English literature in UNRIYO since 2010. He feels that world can be on his grasp because life starts from dreams.

He started his simple life in a place called Magelang, a place where he grew up, breathed, and played with his mates. He considered that life in Yogyakarta to study was impossible because he was born as middle-class family but some of his big dreams never died since he was in sixth-class of elementary school. He has one sister only and parents. He loves them a lot because they always support each of his activity by giving a chance and freedom in order to be responsible. Responsibility is one of thankfulness/gratitude to his parents as they give his some motivation and support. They want their children unlike them who had no opportunity to hold high education. Every night if he just sees on their faces in their deep sleep, he is willing to make them happy with his ways.

On Wednesday, 27 of April 2011 when he got on the job training in Magistra one of the requirements for final exam in three months, many problems were on his face as he had studied in UNRIYO. He could not only standstill but he tried to find some of the solutions. The day was rainy where decision must be taken; fortunately, he got solution after meeting manager of Magistra Utama .Some of the solutions were without the job training but he must work right away. He was a graphic designer but he was able to take jobs that were not linear with his major. jobs were in Carrefour, Gadho Mie, Pendopo Dhalem restaurant, Ufindo and fisindo in advs. Finally, he had final decision that he chose Gadhome Mie and Pendopo dhalem as his work places. It replaced the job training to fit in the schedule in UNRIYO However, it was in his spare time because he worked from 5 P.M. to 10.30 P.M. This was his hard choices in this first year.

After he graduated from Magistra Utama Yogyakarta, some of dreams were created. He applied some universities on other subjects like accounting, communication and automotive. He wanted to have other skills and capability although all of them cannot be realized,but he can still learn those skills without entering some universities.  On July 2011, he applied to STEI SBI as one of the accounting students and had registered without his parents knowing. He considered registering because he wanted to have self- support with his salary in his study. Not a long time after that, he decided to drop out from STEI SBI because of two reasons. The first was managing time and second was tuition. He felt tired with his hard activities as student in two universities and working in the afternoon. He has to struggle to win this life and he has to realize that life is not ideal. He passed through in the second years by focusing on studying literature in UNRIYO.

If I were a ministry of education and culture ( Yahya choy )

If I were a ministry of education and culture, I would give facilities to preserve culture and custom. Culture is a reflection of life. Indonesia is reflected by its culture because it creates distinct identity of Indonesia. Indonesia is rich of culture from Sabang to Merauke like Reog , Batik ,Sekaten , Anglung, Jatilan etc. Indonesia has many problems with culture and IndoneImagesia has not been able to keep them. There is an evidence to say something like that. For example, batik and was ever regarded as Malaysian Culture. We can see that it is one of the weaknesses of our government. Therefore, if I were a ministry of education and culture, I would make an organization and build houses to preserve every existing culture. It has function to give free facilities to improve each culture.


The ArtAndAct magazine is one of my first experiences in writing. It is real application to increase my skill in English. I am so interested in this project and enthusiastic about making The ArtAndAct although I experienced many difficulties. ArtAndAct gives me new inspiration to write more. I had real trouble in my work of short story. I am confused about making a short story, but my lecturer helps me with her ability. She is Miss Adesti Komalasari, S.pd. M.A. I really put my expectation in you. Without you, I am nobody in my study.


Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Dalam Bahasa Inggris

                                                                                                Yogyakarta, 4 December 2012

Attention To:
Human Resource Department of
Realia English
Jl. Pandega Marta V/6 Pogung


Dear Sir/Madam,

Having known about a vacancy advertised on Kedaulatan Rakyat, 24 November 2012, I am interested in the position of an English teacher offered.

I am a fifth-semester student of English literature study program in Respati Yogyakarta University. I have good writing and speaking skills and I am able to operate computer. I am a hard-working person, able to work both in a time and individually.

I would gladly welcome an opportunity to have an interview with you at your convenience. I hope my skills can be one of your company’s assets. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for your consideration and attention.


Sincerely yours,




   – A copy of ID Card
   – A copy of Final Certificate
   – A photo
   – A Curriculum Vitae
   – A copy of latest GPA transcript
   – Copy of English Debate Certificate  (2 pieces)


Asu Sengi Temple

Besides Bhumi Tidar, Magelang is also called Bhumi seribu candi. Magelang is rich with many temples, mostly inheritance of Old Mataram. They are from wangsa Sanjaya (Hindu Mataram) and wangsa Syailendra (Buddhist mataram). Borobudur temple is the most popular but there are many temples in Magelang. One of them is Asu Sengi Temple

Asu Sengi Temple is  a heritance of old mataram from Wangsa Sanjaya(Hindu Mataram). It is located in slop of Merapi Mountain, west side nearby Tlingsan Pabelan River. It is precise at Candi Pos, Sengi village, Dukun District, Magelang Regency or about 25 km from Borobudur Temple from East-side. It is also not far from alternative street Magelang to Solo to pass through kawasan “Taman National Gunung Merapi “

The name of Asu Sengi Temple is given by society about its temple first founding. Until today, they have not found when it was built. they gave asu sengi because the statue of temple resembles dog(asu in java)  and sengi is the name of  village in there.  So they call that temple with Asu sengi temple. There are ancient inscriptions which is found on temple. They are the inscription of Sri Manggala I  (about 879), the inscription of  Sri Manggala II(about 876) and the inscription Kurambitan . Therefore, it can be supposed that this temple was built about 869. It used to pray and became a pure place.

Asu Sengi Temple faces to west side. It has three parts: foot, body, and top. It is square with 7,94 m x 7,94 mand  the height is 2,5 m. the roof is lost because of  the big disaster long time. There is a well in middle of temple with depth about 3 meters. It is a square with 1. 3 m x 1.3 m.

When we climb on the top, we can see interesting views like rice field, agricultural field and is fresh view to be seen by many people as if we are exhausted with big building in the city. The air is so cool because it is on slope of Merapi Mountain.

.There are two temples more not so far from the Asu Sengi temple. They are Pendem Temple and Lumbung Temple. The both……………………….BenQ Corporation